NWT Landscape Charter

Northwest Territories Landscape Charter |
Recognize, Value, Protect, Plan and Sustain Northern Landscapes

The NWTALA Announces Amendments to the NWT Landscape Charter

The charter has been amended to strengthen our acknowledgement of Indigenous rights and responsibilities and a recognition of commitment to climate change.

Read the press release

About the Charter

This landscape charter affirms our role and commitment to the recognition, valuation, protection, planning, and sustainable design and management of the landscapes in which we live. It is an expression of the values that guide our practice and complements the Canadian Landscape Charter ratified by the CSLA and adopted by the NWTALA in 2015. Each of the eight core values identified in the Charter is supported by a practice philosophy that we strive to incorporate in our work.

Click here to read the second edition of the NWT Landscape Charter

The Canadian Landscape Charter

1.2-CLC-CCP-2015-notes_Page_01.pngThe Canadian Landscape Charter seeks to uphold the following core principles:

  • Recognize landscapes as vital
  • Consider all people
  • Inspire stewardship
  • Expand knowledge
  • Show leadership

Click here to read the Canadian Landscape Charter

AAPC | CSLA 12 crois. Forillon, Ottawa (ON) K2M 2W5